A lesson from the documentary: “My Octopus teacher”

Are you feeling overwhelmed, unmotivated and burned out? Find your way back by following this step…

5 min readMar 16, 2021

The documentary “My Octopus Teacher” available on Netflix, follows Craig Foster on his year-long journey, discovering the wonders of life, the intricacies of nature, the beauty of mother nature all seen alongside and through the eyes of one very special octopus. An octopus that will change his life and worldview forever, that brings him back from the abyss of burnout, that shares her world with him and provokes a fundamental change in his character. I highly recommend the documentary, it will touch your soul in a profound way. Craig Foster found something special and unique when he needed it most, how can you find your inner peace and guide to resetting your path?

Saxenburg Wine Farm- South Africa

The Tara concept

We all need a place/person/song/hobby etc. to recharge our batteries, something that speaks to our soul, that lessens the burden, that revitalises, that uplifts, that relaxes, that washes away all sorrows and gives a new perspective. I have named this concept TARA, after the farm in the novel Gone with the wind by Margaret Mitchell. Tara is the farm for which Scarlett is willing to sacrifice everything and everyone, as it is the source of her power, it puts everything into a different frame of mind even in times of war and heartache. As Scarlette famously says at the end of the book after losing the love of her life: “I’ll think of it tomorrow, at Tara…” Tara doesn't have to be that dramatic, where one has to sacrifice relationships over it, all it has to be is something that goes deeper than words, it is like a melody to which your heart beats, every neuron in your body is stimulated and alive in Tara’s presence.

something that goes deeper than words, it is like a melody to which your heart beats, every neuron in your body is stimulated and alive

Photo by Andrey Konstantinov on Unsplash

If we are lucky in life, we start by finding these attributes in our family, they are our first places of comfort, security, and refuge. However, we are not all that lucky and so we embark upon our life’s path in the search of it, often unknowingly. For Tara is the starting place of love, hope and dreams, it is its own utopia where no walls are erected and the possibilities are endless. For everyone, this journey will be different and you will find your Tara at different places, it can be your partner, your favourite spot in the countryside, the sound of the waves bashing against the rocks, a song, a poem etc. The importance is recognising Tara when you have found it and harnessing the power it instils in you. We all need a place to regain our inner strength after all.

For Tara is the starting place of love, hope and dreams, it is its own utopia where no walls are erected and the possibilities are endless.

Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

There is a wonderful movie called: Le Chocolat with Johnny Depp, Dame Judi Dench and Juliette Binoche ( if you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it), Juliette’s character is forced to move around, drifting from country to country by an internal angel/demon that is in search of new adventures. When I first saw this movie, I realised I had the same urge, the same longing for discovery, even for the burden of starting afresh, not to run away but for the challenge. Change brings with it the most wonderful experiences and broadens your horizon, it is also a weight to carry on your shoulders, constantly pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. I have written a post about it if you are interested to read more about the topic: Life lessons from a professional ex-pat. Throughout all the years, one thing that always made moving and starting afresh easier was the knowledge that I could go home to Tara if I needed to regain momentum. For Tara is “where love resides, memories are created, friends always belong, and laughter never ends.”

Throughout all the years, one thing that always made moving and starting afresh easier was the knowledge that I could go home to Tara

Photo by Nina Hill on Unsplash

Life has so many challenges, COVID and its restrictions just being one of them. So I urge you to find your Tara, search your soul for the one thing that somehow makes everything ok. Even if you are currently not able to see it, hear it, feel it, close your eyes and you will find it within yourself. For our memories may be locked away but never lost. Life has so many challenges, setbacks and overwhelming moments and being able to retreat to your inner Tara, thorough whatever methods work for you, be it meditation etc. will be life-changing. If Tara is something physical for you and you happen to have lost it for whatever reason, do not be discouraged or sad, for it still lives within you like a wildfire and one day you shall find a new one.

For our memories may be locked away but never lost.





Written by Stellab

Storyteller, Entrepreneur, experimenting with philosophy writing about life’s journey

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