When the walls are closing it
I wrote this piece for and about a young gentleman whom I met in a darker hour of his life, he was fighting demons although the world seemed to lay at his feet.
Darkness had suddenly swept in overnight, it lay on the land like winter night, cold, windy, it broke down every branch and froze the land and seas. A shiver that crawls down the spine. It brings with it hollowness, the absence of life. Fight it but your sword will only swish through the air, creating a little wind, it seems futile. It becomes second nature, one knows no better, the heart was torn from the body like a fresh kill, it lays bare, stripped to the core. The pain felt deep into the marrow, the yowling scream heard near and afar.
Out of nowhere, there comes a light, it shines bright, it is warm and nearly aggressive, it makes its way through the fog and clouds, unapologetically determined, it breaks into corners that are dark and moist. Slowly filling the cracks with dim light, it is still too fragile, will it hold? It fights, it fights, oh how it fights. Darkness shall not prevail change shall come. Too soon says the darkness, I want to wallow some more, the pain has become my companion, and I fear I deserve nothing else. My path does not lay before me, it has never been trodden before. Young foul whispers the wind, you hold the key, let the light in, it can clear the fog, replace the darkness with a shimmer of grey, let go of your demons. Alas, sometimes spring comes too early and winter's wrath comes swooping in, killing everything in its way. Yet somewhere within the dim light shall grow…