How to be in a better place, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually
The one thing that keeps you from achieving your goals, not facing yourself!

As a child we come into this world with no fears, no limitations, our paths lay before us, we are a blank canvas ready to become whatever we wish. Society, family, our surroundings and circumstances shape us for the better and for worse. They give us the power to outgrow our wildest dreams and yet also instil in us certain fears and insecurities. These fears used to be helpful tools to survive, yet, many of these fears and insecurities encumber our minds, preventing us from achieving our true heart desires, from becoming what we ought to be. Unfortunately, it is human nature that we often remember the negative comments more than the positive ones, weighing on us for years to come.
Preventing us from achieving our true heart desires, from becoming what we ought to be
The Japanese have a wonderful saying/concept called “Kaizen” it means constant improvement, never standing still and accepting life/your mental awareness as it is and not as it could be. A few years ago, I decided to embark on a journey that I hoped would slowly but surely change my life. I would try and rid myself of my insecurities, which would lead to me no longer being the one thing/person that stood in the way of achieving my version of greatness. We can move mountains if we set our minds to it, the belief in something is the most powerful weapon. It has been used by governments, leaders and religions alike, used for good and also for the bad. So, imagine the power of controlling your own destiny by controlling your thoughts and creating a positive attitude. There are so many ways to create positive momentum in your life, creating that change. You can do it through meditation, through talking with someone be it a career coach, a mentor or a psychologist, a friend etc. just to name a few possibilities. Everyone must find what helps them reflect and what makes them want to choose to leave the comfort zone for a more dynamic yet challenging domain. I admit to not being the most patient person, I joke about it that when the angels handed out a dose of patience in heaven to all the babies that would be born that day, they tripped over the crib before mine and thus the baby next to me got my dose. So, meditation is something I have not been able to really practice thus far, but I am working on it. As James Bond already says, never say never, so I am working on it, after all, I strongly believe “You are the path to your own destiny”!
You are the path to your own destiny!
So, I decided to embark on this journey from a different angle. Every year, I make a list on my birthday with changes I wish to make to my mindset for that year (so that I have a time reference). It might seem like forever, a year to make changes! but changing your mindset is not something that is done overnight, at least not for me. It takes time and even if the intentions are there, it is always easier said than done. This list forces me to face my fears and to be accountable, it gives me the necessary push. Facing yourself and your preconceived notions are one of the hardest battles you will have to fight, but also one of the most rewarding ones. It allows you to live life to the fullest, to give back, to be at peace with yourself, to have no regrets, to be a beacon of hope to those around you simply because you emit a positive attitude.
It allows you to live life to the fullest, to give back, to be at peace with yourself, to have no regrets, to be a beacon of hope to those around you simply because you emit a positive attitude.
COVID has forced all of us to reevaluate our lives to a certain extent, we were forced to make changes and at the same time, some of these changes came as a blessing in disguise. Some have noticed they wish to spend more time with their families or make that investment into a new home, others have decided to take on a new skillset. There are so many additions we can make to our lives to change our attitude to achieve the goals we set. We don’t need to wait for a global pandemic, for a break-up, loss of some kind etc. to do so, it is in your hands, dare to dream big. Take steps towards your true desires; changing your career, learning a new skillset a language or taking an online course, be open to finding new friends, dare to stand up for yourself, dare to change your hair, get the body you always wanted or dress the way you always wished you could, but never did because you believed you could not pull it off.
Your mindset is the only limiting factor, the world is your oyster, flirt it out of its shell!
Your mindset is the only limiting factor, the world is your oyster, flirt it out of its shell! This is a journey you must embark on by yourself, but you can always bring in someone, be sure to elevate your surroundings. Having positive go-getter people around you will help you rise up to the occasion. I read that Warren Buffet always surrounds himself with people he considered smarter than him because it makes him want to be better. He also once said in an interview, “as a child I knew I wanted to be rich and successful, over all these years and through all the curve balls that have been thrown my way, I never once doubted myself”. Let’s all work towards this kind of attitude, believing in yourself, no matter what. The future is yours, take it, make it legendary!
The future is yours, take it, make it legendary!