The art of creating positive momentum…

3 min readOct 10, 2021
Photo by Lina Trochez on Unsplash

What if you could change someone's life, with just a minute of your time, would you do it?

I received a message from a colleague, I worked with 12 years ago, stating that he wanted to thank me, as my help, tenacity, and drive made him take a leap of faith in himself. He faced his fears, move abroad for university, where he met his co-founder and now runs a very successful business. According to him without me, he never would have gone and life would have been so different. This message touched me profoundly, for it was something I had long since forgotten, but just a few minutes of my life and a few encouraging words brought positive momentum to someone else's. We have the power to uplift those around us, our actions and words hold more power than we know.

I read this quote by Rachel Wolchi a few years ago and it has stuck with me ever since: “Be mindful when it comes to your words, a string of some that don’t mean much to you, may stick with someone else for a lifetime”. These words hold so much depth and truth to them, that it touches your soul. What if we were all more mindful of the words we utter each day?! Each day we get given the choice to decide how we shall approach it, what we expect from life. Of course, there will always be curveballs along the way, hills to surmount, battles to be fought, but your attitude towards them is what is truly life-changing.

Photo by Everton Vila on Unsplash

Personally, I always try to uplift the people around me, help where I can, or just listen when that is what is needed. It comes naturally to me and it truly makes me happy to see others strive, to the point where I am better at networking for others than I am for myself. One should not expect anything in return, except be open to what the universe has in store for you, call it karma, or whatever you like, generally, we are blessed with options and possibilities, if we choose to embrace it. I admit that your actions and words although well-meant, will not always be appreciated, accepted, or acknowledged, but even if it reaches just one person, isn't it worth it?

“Be mindful when it comes to your words, a string of some that don’t mean much to you may stick with someone else for a lifetime”.

We all have our baggage the older we get the more of it we carry around, it shapes you but it does not have to define your future. We have all been hurt, disappointed, some more than others, but we all feel it in our own way. Learn from it, work through it and open yourselves up to new possibilities. If life is the price, you better get what you are paying for!!!

I have recently been reading more about manifestations, which states that we all have the possibility to change our paths, be kinder to ourselves, and embrace the possibilities that lie in store for each and every one of us. I would like to add that you can spread that positive momentum to others as well, it does not take much to have a positive impact, connect people in life, business, etc., help them grow by giving them a hand where you can, invite them along, forward their CV, help them read through an essay, call them, send them flowers, bring them a bowl of soup when sick, walk past the petrol station and tell them if the station has any gas left (the UK has been having some major issues), there are so many more little things that one can do that have a tremendous impact. Small tasks that do not impact your life or lifestyle, but can change someone's path.

“Pay attention to what pays attention to you. If someone is giving you their best, don't just give them average, give them all you have got” author unknown




Storyteller, Entrepreneur, experimenting with philosophy writing about life’s journey